Riverside Children’s Theatre
Frequently Asked Questions


Does my child need to audition to become a member of RCT?
Auditions are not required to become a member of RCT.  Children are added to our roster from our existing Waitlist. 

How can I add my child to the Waitlist?
We have an online Waitlist form on our website, and children can be added at any time.  Additionally, we have a Membership table at all of our shows and sneak peeks, where children can be added to the list in person. 

How can my child move up on the Waitlist?
The Waitlist is maintained by the date that the child was added to the list.  We do offer priority registration status to siblings of existing members, or children of RCT employees.  We also offer priority for students who have attended our Masterclasses, or summer camps, and to anyone who attends one of our musical productions.  If you attend a show, please stop by our Membership table to sign in. 

How can I register my child?
After receiving an offer of membership from the Membership Committee, you will need to attend a New Member Orientation.  We’ll go over all components of our program, requirements of membership, and financial and parent volunteer obligations. Attendance at the new Member Orientation is required to become a member.  After the orientation, you will receive the forms needed to finalize your child’s enrollment.  These must be completed by the specified date, or you risk losing your child’s spot. 

What is expected of each family once my child becomes a member?
Families are required to spend 18 hours per year volunteering on a committee (the hours don’t change for multiple children). There are many committees to choose from, some being related to production such as set building and some related to Saturday school such as concessions. We rely heavily on volunteers in our organization so it is imperative that each family fulfill their volunteer obligations. 

Does RCT offer a scholarship program or payment plans?
Payment plans are accepted for all families, please see the Treasurer to arrange. Scholarships are offered for returning members. Please see the membership Chair for more information.

Will parents/guardians need to be live scanned in order to supervise kids?
Yes, all parents/guardians must be Live Scanned in order to be a part of Riverside Children’s Theatre. Only one family member over the age of 18 must be live scanned and live scan is good for the duration of membership.

How much is tuition?
Tuition for the 2024 - 2025 school year is assessed as follows:
Kindergarten-8th Grade:
$650 for 1st child
$600 for 2nd child
$600 for 3rd child

Tech Class(9th-12th Grade):
$400 per child

Saturday School

What is Saturday School and what classes are offered?
Saturday School is our theater arts education program.  Classes are held on select Saturdays throughout the year from 8:50 am - 12:00 pm.  Grade-level groups rotate through classes in drama, dance, and music.

How many Saturday School classes are offered a year?
There will be 16 Saturday classes offered in the school year. Fall and Spring sessions will each have six Saturday classes and the Intersession will be made up of 4 Saturday classes.


How long do rehearsals last for each production and how can I get a schedule in advance?
Rehearsals are scheduled Monday-Friday from 6:15-8:15, however your child may or may not be called every day depending on their role. The occasional weekend date will be scheduled. Schedules are given out approximately one and a half weeks prior.

How much does it cost to audition?
Audition fees vary per production: $250 per child

How much does it cost for costumes?
For children with lead roles and multiple costume changes, cost may range from $200-400. Students in ensemble roles typically average $100-200. 

Is there any other cost involved with production?
Costs involved with production include audition fee, costume fees and cast party. Other options not required, but available for purchase include Flash Drives with show performances and photographs, Cast buttons, shirts/sweatshirts/hats.

What volunteer duties are expected once my child is cast in a production?
Each family that has children in a production are expected to supervise rehearsals and backstage during the shows. Your number of supervisions depend on the number of children in the show, but can be as frequent as weekly or biweekly depending on cast size.

Are there any requirements to fulfill your supervision duties?
All families that volunteer must have at least one person over the age of 18 that is fingerprinted to ensure the safety of our children in the production. The fingerprinted person is the only person who can perform the supervision duties.

Do I have to sell tickets for the shows?
Each family is required to sell tickets. Production families are responsible for selling no more than 30 tickets (depending on cast size and venue) and non production families are responsible for four tickets. If tickets aren’t sold, the family will be invoiced by the first day of tech week. 

What is the attendance policy to be in a production?
Once cast, cast members can expect to be called nightly, Monday through Friday. Cast members are allowed up to 5 absences, 15 tardies, or a combination. Attendance is important. A warning and family referral process, as well as possible removal from the show can occur if you are not attending rehearsals.